
Yanwen Tracking

86 0755-61190719/20/21/22

Yanwen Carrier Info & Tips

Yanwen is a large Chinese logistics and delivery company. It provides services inside China, along with international delivering. The company cooperates with a lot of popular services. So, it uses not only its own transportation resources, but also cooperates with many international postal services. This is a popular way to get Chinese goods from China to almost every part of the Earth.

About the company

The company works from 1998, and today it has more than 50 offices in different Chinese cities. It has wide coverage in the home country. The main office is in Beijing. The company uses road, rail, and air transport for delivering issues. In total, the company operates with more than three hundred vehicles. Quick delivering is available to 120+ countries. Statistics says, that it sends near two million packages per day.

Here are some milestones about the company.

  • 1998: The year it was established.
  • 2015: First cooperation with e-commerce platforms.
  • 2017: The company starts delivering more than 1000000 packages per day this year.
  • 2018: More than 1200000 items per year.
  • 2019: 1800000 packages per day.

If you buy something in Chinese online stores regularly, you probably often use our feature called China Post tracking since the majority of shipments are handled by China Post. But some of your parcels are delivered by Yanwen almost certainly. This company is praised by wide range of sellers and buyers because of well-established and varied shipping methods. It guarantees a good proportion of cost and deliverance speed.

In summary, this is one of the largest brands in China in its category. The company announces the use of advanced intelligent logistics equipment and its own unique operating system. This is confirmed in practice. Yanwen is constantly developing the quality of services, expanding its infrastructure and striving to build a global electronic commerce network of a fundamentally new level.


The main focus of the company for sellers and buyers is the delivery of goods. The company has two key areas of activity:

  • Yanwen Economic Air Mail;
  • Yanwen Express.

Yanwen Economic Air Mail is a low-cost delivery option for small packages by Yanwen. Aliexpress sellers like to send small packages to Yanwen Economic Air Mail. It is cheap and at the same time relatively fast air delivery with a track number. Air is the most popular way to deliver packages. Yanwen post track is available for each package at the company’s website.

Yanwen Economic Air Mail is tracked only until it is exported from China or before arriving in target country. After that, tracking stops, because the package is transferred to the local postal service. Then it gets a new track number that is unknown.

Yanven Express delivers packages faster. Delivery costs are commensurably more expensive. Parcels receive completely different tracking numbers compared to the previous delivery method, and Yanwen Express tracking is available outside of China. 

The company also claims to have several additional services and products:

  • 9610 docking service and 9610 tax refund service to make cross-border exports more visible;
  • Tax refund in case in case of entering the customs supervision hub, and global allocation (for production-oriented companies of e-commerce sector);
  • Intelligent sorting helps speed up goods delivery etc.

Examples of tracking numbers

Basically, Yanwen track numbers are URxxxxxxxxxYP or UAxxxxxxxxxxYP, where x are numbers. Tracking is available on the company's website.

Please note that numbers with U at the beginning are tracked only within China (Yanwen Economic Air Mail tracking). After passing the border, the parcel gets another track number with no chance to track it. Although sometimes a new YW tracking number is published on the website of the company itself. This is rather an exception to the rule, but there is a chance. Then it will be possible to track how the parcel goes through the territory of your country. For example, for Russia, a parcel may receive an RS493044510CN format number. It can be tracked on the Russian Post website. An example of a Malaysian post number is YLCMY305883068.

Here are a few options for Yanwen tracking number formats to compare:

  • UA815768511YP;
  • YD569285267YW;
  • AA980235567YN.

Delivery time

The company completes worldwide delivery mostly from 25 to 35 days via Yanwen Economic Air Mail. It can be longer in some cases due to cooperation with local postal services. For Yanwen Express, delivery usually takes up to 20 days.

The time of Yanwen shipping depends on the final destination and the size of the parcel, as large parcels go a little longer, small parcels reach faster.

Useful information

Here are some additional facts about Yanwen logistics that are interesting to know.

  • The company is actively cooperating with 100,000 sellers today. In total, the network of partners for the entire existence of the company reaches 300,000 sellers.
  • The maximum throughput of the company amounted to 8,000,000 parcels per day. By the end of 2020, this figure is expected to double.
  • The company has a successful 6-year experience in Double 11 and Black Friday.
  • Since 2018, the company has special department, which is specialized docking with platforms. Its team is totals 50 people.
  • Yanwen has a close partnership with leg2 suppliers.


This is a very convenient partner for the B2C sector and e-commerce in general. Aliexpress sellers massively choose it because of the favorable delivery price, which is at the level of China Post. This is achieved due to the huge scale of the company. Sellers can send goods with free shipping, saving their money.

And the parcels come very quickly. The order can be received in 2-4 weeks. This is very beneficial to both the buyer and the seller. Yanwen is a trusted market player, and its reliability is backed up by a large number of reviews.

Yanwen Reviews

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How do we calculate the rating? People are more likely to post negative reviews (for example, when their package is delayed or lost) than positive reviews (when everything is fine). It doesn't mean that bad situations happen more often than smooth delivery, though. That's why we give the negative reviews lower priority to calculate a more accurate carrier rating.
Our user
6/4/2412:29 AM
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4/28/247:55 AM
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12/6/232:28 PM
11/20/237:23 PM
Denne varen er ubrukelig for oss. Og i deres regler står det at Vi har rett til å returnere den innen 14 dager. Har spurt etter returadresse flere ganger via mail, men svarene er bare tull: «hva er galt med produktet, eller: beklager at det tok lang tid før du fikk varen, eller send en video av problemet.» Har derfor gjentatt det jeg skrev på den første mailen, to ganget, der jeg forklarte hvorfor den ikke fungerte for oss og at vi trengte returadressen.
11/20/237:23 PM
Denne varen er ubrukelig for oss. Og i deres regler står det at Vi har rett til å returnere den innen 14 dager. Har spurt etter returadresse flere ganger via mail, men svarene er bare tull: «hva er galt med produktet, eller: beklager at det tok lang tid før du fikk varen, eller send en video av problemet.» Har derfor gjentatt det jeg skrev på den første mailen, to ganget, der jeg forklarte hvorfor den ikke fungerte for oss og at vi trengte returadressen.
11/1/231:01 PM
Hei. Har ikke fått pakkene mine da det står at den er i Lørenskog. Tatt veldig lang tid med disse pakkene. Håper dere kan få fort gang på dette. Setter pris på god kundeservice.... Thomas A kviv.... Phone +47 40988977
Not delivered yet
10/20/233:56 PM
pas de suivi on ces pas ou est le paquet
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9/27/238:10 PM
The package supossedly arrived stateside but it has been 54 days AND NO DELIVERY.
Not delivered yet
9/22/232:27 PM
Colis toujours pas reçu !
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Johanna eike
9/20/233:10 PM
Hvordan kan jeg sende produktet tilbake det er rent bedrageri , fikk ett produkt jeg ikke vil ha da det er rent juggel
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